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The Price Of Virginity The Final Episode 7

The Price Of Virginity The Final Episode 7

Now its time for me to get married, oneday when i came back from work, my mother called me and said that the son of our.....
general overseer in my church, who is living in London and is also a medical doctor in London, he said that the young man is
asking for my hand in marriage, and she have already told him that am still a virgin, the young man said he also want to marry
a virgin aswell, when i heard this news from my mum, i collapsed and fainted.

my mother rushed inside the room and brought a chilled and cold water, then she poured it on me, after some minutes, i got myself
and i work up, she now asked me.......Ann whats the matter with you, what really happened, are you ok? i haven't seen you in this
kind of condition before, i replied with smile on my face and said, mummy its a thing of Joy that someone living outside the country
is asking for my hand in marriage, it was over happiness that fainted me, we laughed together and entered our room.
Ann the general overseer son will be visiting you today , you know you haven't met him before, so go and prepare and keep everything
in Oder.
i quickly rushed and took my bath, put on a blue skinny gown and sat inside patiently waiting for the arrival of the grate general overseer's
after three hours, here comes the young man, my mum ran outside to go and welcome him, while i was inside feeling so shy to come outside and
know how he even look like.
After some series of discussion between him and my parents, my mum now called me........Ann please come outside, someone is here to see you.
[My mind was beating very fast]
i came out and i greeted the young man, when i got closer to him, i looked straight inside his eyes, lo and behold it was mike, the same guy that
took my Virginity. I quickly rushed inside my room and i burst into tears, while mike was also outside there, shading his own tears.
My parents were confused, My mum quickly followed me inside inside the room..........Ann! please tell me what is going on between you and this
young man. [I was still crying and i didn't give my mum any reply]....Ann for the last time, what is going on between you and this young man?
I said mummy wait i will explain, me and her went outside and we all sat together with Mike.
i now said........Mike is that you?...with rivers of tears flowing down from his red eyes, he said Ann its me Mike.
Our parents were still confused........[my mum asked me] Ann do you know him, i said yes, he was my classmate in the university when i was still
in 100 level.
Now i said to mike........"Mike You disappointed me and i dont think i will ever forgive you"......he replied and said.....please let me explain.
[Mike Explaining]........before the incident that happened between both of us, i never knew you were a virgin, after the incident,
i saw your missed calls then but i couldn't answer the call because i was in tears, i thought you are calling to abuse or insult me,
my mind was really heavy because it seems like i have committed a murder,
it was like i killed your destiny. After that week, i won a visa lottery to study in London, i quickly drooped out
from the school and i traveled to London. Ann please forgive me.
Everybody including my mum and my dad burst into tears at that moment and that was how everything ended.
Today i am living together with Mike as Husband and Wife.
This a grate story, there many this to learn from it.
Never break the pot that once gave you water
Be careful how you close a door, never bang it because you may need to walk through that same door tomorrow.
listen to your parents advice.
keep your virginity if you have not lost it. had it been it wasn't mike that came to marry Ann, what do you think could have happened.

Now i have this question to ask you guys
Thanks For Reading. Another Grate Story Will come up very soon.
Please Like this post, share it and comment what you think about the story.
Answer this questions before you logout.
1. Lets say you are Ann, that moment when you cleared all your papers but failed your main Subject, there is nothing you can do about it and if
you go with the result just like that, all your years in the university was just a waste of time but you only have the option to have s*x with
the lecturer and you will pass the subject and come out with a good result.
which one will you take, sleeping with him or go with poor result?
2. my second question is this: remember Mike broke Ann virginity, but had it been mike didn't do it, the lecturer will do it, so if as a virgin,
God opened your eyes to see it that when you enter into high institution, you must actually loose your virginity, what will you do?
Go to university or stay back at home?
please when answering the questions, indicate with either number 1 or 2. you can answer the two questions as well.
your comment is really needed because people are waiting to learn from you.


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